English CVC Words + Short Vowels Phonics Flashcards-FREE SAMPLE SET
English CVC Words + Short Vowels Phonics Flashcards-FREE SAMPLE SET
CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words are one of the most common English spelling patterns.
Use our FREE SAMPLE SET of digital/printable English Phonics CVC Words + Short Vowels Flashcards for in-person classes, one-on-one teaching, virtual sessions, or on-the-go practice on any device: tablet, mobile phone, laptop or desktop computer.
Change each card by swiping up/down or print on paper to play matching pair games like "Memory" and "Go Fish".
Contains 15 images of English CVC words with short vowels and chibi anime/manga illustrations. Vowels are highlighted in red and consonants in black.
Includes 2 PDF flashcard sets (1 to use with laptop/computer/mobile devices and 1 to use for printing).
Standard Printed Flash cards.